Saturday, May 16, 2020

Why Recreational Hunting Of Western Canada Is Morally...

In his letter titled â€Å"Why Recreational Hunting in Western Canada is Morally Justified,† Sven states that he is arguing for â€Å"responsible hunting where the primary benefits are the pleasure of hunting animals in the wilderness and eating their meat.† Despite several strengths, his weaknesses in reasoning outweigh the few positives. Thus, the letter’s overall worth is negligible. The letter’s weaknesses in reasoning lie in Sven’s central justifications for recreational hunting, being human pleasure and eating meat, in his supporting argument for animal suffering, and in his failure to define recreational hunting’s necessity. To begin, I will address the strengths of Sven’s letter. The first strength is that Sven defines his argument’s parameters, allowing him to eliminate several counterarguments against his claim. Sven specifies that the hunting type he argues for does not include killing for protection or sustenance, nor negligent hunting practices that promote needless harm to humans, property, or wildlife. Additionally, Sven rejects using bait or vehicles. Sven’s most significant strength is when he defines the moral relationship between humans and animals, stating, â€Å"[a]nimals deserve respect, but so do humans, and when there is conflict of interests, the interest that humans have in feeding their families must prevail.† Stuart Rachels, in his evaluation of Utilitarianism, argues that humans are special in many ways but are not the only beings capable of suffering, and thusShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesCharacteristics Model 263 Ethical Dilemma Spitting Mad 264 Case Incident 1 Multitasking: A Good Use of Your Time? 264 Case Incident 2 Bonuses Can Backfire 265 3 9 The Group Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Defining and Classifying Groups 272 Why Do People Form Groups? 272 Stages of Group Development 274 The Five-Stage Model 275 †¢ An Alternative Model for Temporary Groups with Deadlines 276 Group Properties: Roles, Norms, Status, Size, Cohesiveness, and Diversity 277 Group Property 1: RolesRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesLabor Supply 14 Do We Have a Shortage of Skilled Labor? 14 Why Do Organizations Lay Off Employees during Shortages? 15 How Do Organizations Balance Labor Supply? 15 Issues Contingent Workers Create for HRM 16 Continuous Improvement Programs 18 Work Process Engineering 19 How HRM Can Support Improvement Programs 19 How HRM Assists in Work Process Engineering 19 Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Strategic HRM 28 Learning Outcomes 28 Introduction 30 Why Is HRM Important to an Organization? 30 DID YOU KNOW?:Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesaccording to a chapter’s learning objectives. †¢ Added new video clips and exercise recommendations in the Instructors Manual. †¢ Enhanced the test bank by adding more application questions. †¢ Revised the PowerPoint slides. A MESSAGE TO STUDENTS: Why Focus on Management Skill Development? Given that a â€Å"skill development† course requires more time and effort than a course using the traditional lecture/discussion format, we are sometimes asked this question by students, especially those who have

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