Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Cartography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cartography - Essay Example Consequently, the capability of maps to visualize geographical information and the  geo-spatial  patterns, has made them to prominent in the  GIScience  study and process.    It was  Goodchild  who authored the concept of  GIScience  around the year 1992. He described  GIScience  as a Discipline of Science dealing with  GIS  technology and the obstructions affecting the scientific representation of  geo  spatial data.  Ã‚  Experts further elaborated on this concept and described the function of  GIScience  as addressing the fundamental research principles forming the basis of  GIS. It was also sought to be explained as application of  GIS  to solve scientific problems. From the research point of view, there is justification to conclude that visual representation of GIS data is a major concern of GIScience. These perceptions about the GIScience were further stretched by the books and journals which appeared during the beginning phase of the Sc ience. Maps aid in visual thinking and it would be logical to conclude that GIScience is the application of scientific methodology through maps to the research on GIS. While GIS attempts to represent Geo- spatial data in a methodical, and an intelligible manner through maps, GIScience attempts to address the problems arising in doing so, and further provides reference basis to interpret information represented in maps. GIScience  thus studies spatial representations in maps, map analysis and accuracy in map applications, map visualization, and other similar queries regarding use of maps for the benefit of the society. The significance of maps in the  GIScience  has automatically overlapped the traditional disciplines that deal with the Earth’s complete geographical study and environment. Further, the use of maps in  GIS  is not restricted to the above mentioned subjects, but they also deal with IT Cognitive Sciences besides dealing into artificial intelligence.  W hile it affects each of these sciences,  GIScience  and maps are not central to any of them. It is by itself a new kind of Collaborative Science involving researchers from diverse backdrops working mutually to resolve related problems. These problems being scientific in character and are also related to resource management, commerce, and administration, (Andrienko, and Andrienko, 1999)..    Referring to maps, they were the first tools to be used for representing, synthesizing, analyzing and interpreting geographical data. The rise of Geographical Information Systems has encouraged these functions further. The rigours and elaborate labour associated with the production of maps has now been reduced and there is the added convenience of being able to produce numerous versions of a map from different view points, just by clicking a specific option button or a click of the mouse. Experts haves cited the proliferation of maps, as a result of the emergence of the Internet and the Wor ld Wide Web (WWW). It may be argued also that the quality of such instant maps is no match to the product of the cartographer’s precise and painstaking labour, (Frerichs, 20001). Experts may argue that the precise and laborious map is not always a necessity for a quick grasp of a

Sunday, February 9, 2020

European Union Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

European Union Law - Essay Example In its logical form, the treaty seeks to promote free movement of goods to bridge the cross-border gap that exists between different European Union countries. Even regardless of such laws and treaty, some countries have been found to be putting undue restrictions on fellow European Union countries so that there would be a concentration of market in those countries. The strategy used by those who put the restrictions has been to place huge charges on cross border goods to discourage free movement. In response, Articles 23(1) and 25 (9(1) and 12) ECT of the treaty touches on prohibition of charges having an effect equivalent to that of customs duties, which discourages all such charges to the exclusion of a similar domestic product (European Parliament Fact Sheets, 2012). Relevant primary and secondary legislation From CJ Case 8/74, 11 July 1974, it could be seen that with reference to Olio Nuovo, Article 28(30), ECT of the Treaty on the Functioning on the functioning of the European U nion (TFEU) can be applied to its logical conclusion to give him a lot of legal redress to the current situation in which he finds himself. In the first play, there is a primary legislature on the free movement of goods and services within the European Union region (Kuyper, 1993). As a marketer from Greece to Italy, Olio Nuevo is covered by this primary legislation because both countries are within the European Union zone. This is a very strong basis for Nuevo to begin any legal process with an ambition of putting forth legal damages for any losses that he might have recorded. This is because according to the case in which Nuevo finds himself, there is being an unconstitutional attempt of hindering, directly or indirectly, actually or potentially, intra-Community trade, which the European Parliament Fact Sheets (2012), states that â€Å"are to be considered as measures having an effect equivalent to quantitative restrictions.† What is more, there are secondary laws such as th ose that specify the kind of products and materials that could cross European Union neighbouring borders. Examples of such European Union laws are those on the forbidding of arms and drugs trade. Since Nuevo did not attempt to trade any of such illegal products, there also is a very strong legal case to be heard should Nuevo decide to pursue the case to its legal conclusion. Exceptions to the Rule As it is literary said, to every rule there are exceptions. The Treaty on the Functioning on the functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which makes previsions for free movement of trade across European Union members States borders also have its own legal limitation or exceptions as far as the application of the rules are concerned. Under Article 30 (36) of ECT of the treaty, factors such as protection of public health, public morality and public security are all captured as exemptions under which Member States may take personal measures on having effect equivalent to quantitative (Europ ean Parliament Fact Sheets, 2012). This means is that the interest of the consumer always comes first when dealing with the movement of good (Eeckhout and Govaere, 1992). The legal implication here is that the host country where Nuevo wants to start